Are you thinking about homeschooling but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry–this page is for you!

Whether you’re looking into homeschooling because of pandemic or because it’s something you’ve been considering for a while, there are a number of ways we can help. Successful homeschooling strategies vary from family to family. The most important thing is to find what works for you.

Are you going to be homeschooling kids under the age of 6? Check out Homeschooling for Preschool.

Looking for the homeschooling philosophy that will work best for you? Learn about various Styles of Homeschooling.

It’s a good idea to learn about how your children best learn. Do they enjoy learning by listening, or by watching a video? What about reading by themselves? Or do they need an active approach with lots of movement? How much instruction do they enjoy: step by step instructions or a more hands-off, exploratory focus to learning?

Don’t forget to also consider your teaching style! How much planning will you need to do to feel comfortable? How much instruction will you need to give to thrive?

How long do you need to spend per day? That varies! Don’t expect to do the full 6 hours of school-at-home though. Chances are extremely good that your kids won’t need it.

It’s very normal to change over time, both with learning and teaching styles, and also with how long you spend on studies. Homeschooling should adapt to your needs. You don’t need to stick with one particular method. If it no longer works for you, toss it out and try something new.

Make sure you’re up to date on your state’s homeschooling laws so you know what’s expected. Are you in Illinois, Wisconsin, or Iowa? (Illinois and Wisconsin have relaxed, straight-forward laws while Iowa’s are a bit more complex due to various options.)

If you’re looking for a stop-gap measure while you figure things out, try DiscoveryK-12 (secular) or Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool (Christian). Both are free, online, complete curricula so while you’re discovering what works and doesn’t work for you and your family, you can still rest easy that you’re getting something done. MobyMax is another good online complete curriculum option with paid upgrades available.

Families of Dubuque Area Homeschoolers have widely varying philosophies, structures, and styles of homeschooling. We’re always sharing with each other to help enrich each other’s homeschooling by providing options and what worked for us. This may not work for another family and that’s totally ok.

Coming soon- examples of a day in the life of a DAH homeschooler.